
90 minute sessions / 2x workshops per month


These are live, intimate, and jam-packed 90-minute sessions on zoom. Held twice a month and covering various rotating financial topics. The workshops require active participation and are a safe place to get all your money questions answered. The sessions are purposely not recorded and have limited capacity. If desired, a portion of the workshops can be offered in-person to create an even more engaging experience.


Employees will be invited to a page where they can register for upcoming Financial Wellness workshops. I manage all the zoom registrations, invites, sending of pre-work, and all other logistics. Company leadership helps promote the workshops via internal communications channels (I.e. Slack, email, Notion, newsletters) and that’s it, I take care of the rest!

Employees attend the 90-minute session, participate in the group activities, ask questions, and complete an exit survey. Rob summarizes the workshop results and provides a report to your leadership each month. The workshop topics have an intentional cadence, with some workshops being more general and others being very specific.

Here’s an example announcement from an upcoming series of Spotify Financial Planning Workshops that was advertised to employees via email and Slack. The links drove to a Zoom registration page. (All five workshops filled within a few hours!)


  • Rob Shaye, CFP® has taught investing workshops for Twilio, PricewaterhouseCoopers, BlackRock, WeWork, and the Oakland Raiders. His company, Fireside Finances, focuses on financial education and our company has teamed up with Rob to bolster our educational programs.

    The workshop will be purely educational. Rob's company does not manage any assets or sell any products and his workshops are designed to be objective. The workshops have an average Net Promoter Score of 9 out of 10 and 100% of employees said they would attend a future session.

    Hosted on zoom, this will be a fast-paced, interactive, and fun virtual workshop covering various aspects of personal finance, including:

    • Investments in your 401(k) & Roth IRA

    • Defining your risk tolerance

    • The order of saving & balancing multiple financial priorities

    • Maximizing your rainy day fund through high-yield savings

  • About 70% of employees have 401(k)s from prior jobs and are rightfully confused about what to do with these accounts. Should they move them to a current 401(k)? Close out the account? Rollover to an IRA? The choices can be daunting, but when broken down, the options become clear. This workshop shows the four choices and the pros & cons of each. Attendees will dig into their prior 401(k)s and be empowered with the tools needed to make the best decision for themselves.

  • Credit Scores are made up of five components but they don’t all count the same when calculating your FICO score. This workshop digs deep into the world of credit scores, reports, and cards. Attendees will install free digital tools to monitor their credit and calculate their utilization ratio, which can be used to dramatically improve a credit score within 30 days. “The time to worry about your credit is when you don’t need it!” a wise person once said. Preemptively managing your credit is the best way to qualify for better mortgage rates, student loan refi rates, and auto loans.

  • In the short run, investment fees are pesky and small -- much like a mosquito bite. But when you look at the impact of fees over time, it’s more like a bite from a T-Rex -- fatal or near-fatal. In this course, attendees will uncover the fees they are paying in their own investments and determine if any changes should be made. We’ll cover advisor fees, fund and ETF expense ratios, and most importantly, take action to minimize fees paid at every opportunity. Little changes now can make tens of thousands of dollars of difference over the long-run.

  • With many financial and life goals occurring at the same time, people are often confused on how to prioritize their financial goals. This workshop focuses specifically on the Priority of Saving and which accounts to fund first. Do I pay off my student loans or fund my 401(k)? Should I save for my kid’s college or a house downpayment? How important is it to have an emergency fund? Attendees will leave this course with a framework tailored to their situation and a clear picture of which accounts to fund first, and last. This workshop is always a popular one because it spans nearly every aspect of personal finance and saving.

  • Giving back is one of the most important actions we can take with our money and time. This workshop explains the various methods for donating to charity, while keeping taxes in the forefront of our minds. Attendees will gain confidence with strategies including donating appreciated stock & RSUs, using a Donor Advised Fund, and understanding itemized deductions. Attendees leave with a plan of how to donate to charity in the most tax-efficient way possible. (This workshop is most suitable for employees in the United States, due to the tax implications of donations.)


  • Registration, communication, pre-work, and summaries are all handled by Fireside Finances. We try to minimize the work required from you.

  • We use Slack chat instead of Zoom chat, so that links and references can live-on and questions can be upvoted.

  • Over the years, Rob has developed a series of best practices that help ensure the workshops are an entertaining, informative, and educational experience. Rob is quite obsessed with customer experience and constantly seeks feedback to improve processes.

Ready to schedule a workshop?